Sunday, June 30, 2013

Ah Shucks

That's a lot of ovulation strips. I'm obsessed. We used the month of June as an experiment with hopes that my body would ovulate and we would conceive on our own. That, however, did not happen.  We were both a little bummed. Maybe more than a little. It's super frustrating to me but I know this is how my body "works".

So, the plan is to wait until my cycle starts. Right now it's past due but I have mentally given myself an extended 7 days to see if it starts up. I really dislike the medicine that starts my cycle. It makes me feel horrible, moody, and completely not myself. After that I will call Dr. I and the get the ball running from there.

I know this, I had a baby off of Clomid once so we know that it is possible and possibility of another pregnancy off Clomid is high.

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