Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday, Walker


I love you. I love every thing about you. I love how much you love your family. I love that you know exactly what you want and you will not stop until you have it. You are such a little fireball and you light up my life! You are you and I love that about you. You are so smart. You are so loving. You are a great dancer. You have a kind heart. You are just now making your mark and spreading love every where you go. You are what my heart is made of, walking around this earth, sprinkling little parts of yourself for everyone to see. You make me proud every day. Never ever stop being you. Because you are wonderful.


The three year mark in preemie world is a huge deal. This is when they start adjusting age and studies have shown that this is where they typically catch up to their peers.

We have been so incredibly blessed that Walker is not too far behind his peers. He only needs one therapy, speech, one time a week. We have worked with him so hard to keep him learning and trucking along. He's a short, little tank, but he's always in the percentiles.

I have to say that this age is so much fun. I imagine that it keeps getting better every year. Walker is learning, talking up a storm, and taking new adventures. We are so lucky he is ours!

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