Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year! 2014

Happy New Year!

2013 has been a great year for us. We have watched our little guy grow into this big boy with such a need to do things all by himself. He is stubborn, feisty, friendly, loving, and such a snuggler. He gives the BEST kisses too. Especially if you aren't prejudice to open mouth kisses. He's simply the best thing in both of our lives.

We sold our first home together. It was always supposed to be a starter home and we planned only being there for 5 years tops. We made it to 6.5, no biggie!

We bought our second home which we plan to be in for the long haul. We love this place and can't wait to start making our mark on it. But we're happy just as it is.

We have had two unsuccessful rounds on Clomid and are beginning our third round in hopes this is our round. Endless optimist, we are. It's been a rough end of the year for me particularly. It's hard to relax and know that even though you aren't where you thought you would be, that where you are is just where you are supposed to be. I'm working on my self acceptance.

2014 is beginning gloriously! We celebrate our 5 year anniversary at the end of the month and we are blissfully happy! Every fight/argument makes us stronger.

2014 will be a rather eventless year in our eyes. We have nothing planned but to wait and see what God has in store for us. Of course we will continue our trying to conceive journey in hopes that we will add another addition to our family.

Besides that we plan to spend more time with family and friends and enjoy the life we do have. I love the new year. It's a new beginning. Forget about the old and look forward to the new! 

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